Abdessamad BAYZI | Devoxx

Abdessamad BAYZI
Abdessamad BAYZI

From OCP

Devops and Platform engineer at OCP - digital factory, and previously a performance engineer. Knowing how DevOps can ease an enterprise digital transformation, I try to share my experiences through dojos, medium blogs and conferences.

Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bayziabdessamad/

agTest DevOps, Agile, Methodology & Culture

Road to DevSecOps


DevOps is good, DevSecOps is better. During this talk I'll be sharing about our path of implementing a security culture in a DevOps environment. What benefits are there and what tools to start with. I'll be talking about DevOps culture, vault for secret management, vulnerability static analysis for containers and istio as a service mesh. All this will be highlighted through several demos.